Orthodox Patriarchate of Old Rome
The Orthodox Saints of the Provinces of Lombardy, Italy and Sicily
The Orthodox Saints of the Provinces of Lombardy, Italy and Sicily

Arrival of Orthodoxy:
1st Century: Saints Peter & Paul
Primus inter pares:
33 a.d. - c.1054
The Early Patrons of Rome & Italy:
1st Century: Saints Peter & Paul
Primus inter pares:
33 a.d. - c.1054
The Early Patrons of Rome & Italy:
Gaudentius of Novara
Barbatus of Benevento
Zeno of Verona, Senzius of Blera
Cetheus of Pescara
Vigilius of Trent
Apollinaris of Ravenna
Eusebius of Vercelli
Sirus of Pavia
Saint Cecilia of Sicily
Barbatus of Benevento
Zeno of Verona, Senzius of Blera
Cetheus of Pescara
Vigilius of Trent
Apollinaris of Ravenna
Eusebius of Vercelli
Sirus of Pavia
Saint Cecilia of Sicily

Saint Gregory the Great
Pope of Rome & Dialogist
Pope of Rome & Dialogist

Saint Martin 1, Pope of Rome
Confessor and Defender of Icons
Confessor and Defender of Icons

Saint Leo the Great
Pope of Rome
Pope of Rome

The Orthodox Saints of the Roman Patriarchate
The Orthodox Saints of the Provinces of Lombardy, Italy and Sicily
Full Alphabetical Reference
Major Saints
Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna

Date: d. 1st century
Region: Classis, near Ravenna
Ministry: Martyr, Bishop
Feast day: 23 July
Hymnography: Available
Region: Classis, near Ravenna
Ministry: Martyr, Bishop
Feast day: 23 July
Hymnography: Available
Saint Ambrose of Milan
Date: b. 340, d. 397
Region: Milan
Ministry: Archbishop, Apologist, Spiritual Father to Saint Augustine
Feast day: 7 December
Region: Milan
Ministry: Archbishop, Apologist, Spiritual Father to Saint Augustine
Feast day: 7 December
Saint Boniface the Merciful of Tuscony

Date: d. 6th century
Region: Tuscony
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: 14 May
Hymnography: Available
Region: Tuscony
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: 14 May
Hymnography: Available
Saint Columbanus

Date: d. 615
Region: Bobiom
Ministry: Missionary
Feast day: 23 November
Hymnography: Available
Region: Bobiom
Ministry: Missionary
Feast day: 23 November
Hymnography: Available
Saint Clement I, Pope of Rome

Date: b. 35, d. 99
Region: Rome
Ministry: Pope
Feast day: 23/24 November, 4 January, 22 April, 10 September
Region: Rome
Ministry: Pope
Feast day: 23/24 November, 4 January, 22 April, 10 September
Saint Jerome

Date: d. 420
Region: Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Modern Croatia
Ministry: Translator, Apologist, Priest, Confessor, Historian
Feast day: 30 September
Region: Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Modern Croatia
Ministry: Translator, Apologist, Priest, Confessor, Historian
Feast day: 30 September
Saint Lucy

Date: d. 304
Region: Rome
Ministry: Martyr
Feast day: 13 December (Saint Lucy Day)
Hymnography: Available
Region: Rome
Ministry: Martyr
Feast day: 13 December (Saint Lucy Day)
Hymnography: Available
Saint Liberius, Pope of Rome

Date: d. 366
Region: Rome
Ministry: Confessor, Pope
Feast day: 27 August
Hymnography: Available
Region: Rome
Ministry: Confessor, Pope
Feast day: 27 August
Hymnography: Available
Saint Nicodemus, the Orthodox Bishop of Palermo

Date: d. 1083 (died in Orthodox communion)
Region: Palermo
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: 12 July (Unofficial)
Region: Palermo
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: 12 July (Unofficial)
Saint Nilus the Younger
Date: b. 910, d. 1005
Region: Abbey of Sant'Agata
Ministry: Ascetic, Abbot
Feast day: 26 September
Hymnography: Available
Region: Abbey of Sant'Agata
Ministry: Ascetic, Abbot
Feast day: 26 September
Hymnography: Available
Saint Peter Chrysologus

Date: b. 380, d. 450
Region: Ravenna
Ministry: Bishop, Apologist, Homilist, "Golden-Mouthed"
Feast day: 30 July
Region: Ravenna
Ministry: Bishop, Apologist, Homilist, "Golden-Mouthed"
Feast day: 30 July
Saint Sabinus of Spoleto

Date: d. 300
Region: Spoleto
Ministry: Martyr, Bishop
Feast day: 30 December
Hymnography: Available
Region: Spoleto
Ministry: Martyr, Bishop
Feast day: 30 December
Hymnography: Available
Saint Tarsila & Emiliana

Date: d. 6th century
Region: Italy
Ministry: Aunts to Saint Gregory the Great, Holy Women
Feast day: 5 January
Region: Italy
Ministry: Aunts to Saint Gregory the Great, Holy Women
Feast day: 5 January