The Orthodox Saints of the Roman Patriarchate
The Orthodox Saints of the Provinces of Lombardy, Italy and Sicily
Saint Justa, Justina & Henedina
Saint Januarius
Saint Justina of Padua
Saint John & Marcianus
Saint John IV of Naples
Saint John of Milan
Saint Julian of Sora
Saint Julius of Rome
Saint Justin of Chieti
Saint Juvenal of Benevento
Saint Juventius of Pavia
Saint John I, Pope of Rome
Saint Julius I, Pope of Rome
Saint Jerome
Date: d. 420
Region: Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Modern Croatia
Ministry: Translator, Apologist, Priest, Confessor, Historian
Feast day: 30 September
Region: Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Modern Croatia
Ministry: Translator, Apologist, Priest, Confessor, Historian
Feast day: 30 September